
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Baby Merbah : Part 2

This baby birds are about 10 days old.. have a look at the initial picture of Baby Merbah and the mother.

Big Yellow Cattleya

This big yellow Cattleya which blooms yesterday.. shining bright and just fill up the day.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Yellow-vented Bulbul

The mummy of these babies.. Baby Merbah

There is something in its mouth, most probably a worm to feed the babies...

The pictures were cropped from the original.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baby Merbah

Found these babies at a tree by the garage.. Merbah images by Google. Maybe later on would try to snap the pictures of the parents. Initially I thought it's from a species of Merbah Belukar or Olived-winged Bulbul but later on after looking at the mother I suppose it's the Yellow-vented Bulbul.

Bunga Kantan

Centre piece on a table at a wedding reception.

Binomial name : Etlingera elatior
Related article : The Kantan Story

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Orkid Malai

Scientific Name : Caelogyne Rochussenii
Aromatic : Lemon scented